
Brain training for you

"Ladies, your brain is your most valuable asset.
BrainHQ can help you make it last a lifetime."



Exercise Your Brain

(so you can be your best)
BrainHQ is your online headquarters for brain training, with specialized exercises for memory, attention, brain speed, people skills, decision-making, and navigation. Just as the right kind of exercise can improve our physical health, the right kind of brain training can improve our brain health and cognitive performance. BrainHQ provides the training your brain needs to be at its best.
Ways to exercise your brain image

It all starts with the brain

(our brains define us)

One of my personal and professional goals is to help women keep their brains healthy so that they last a lifetime. Women’s brains have a special journey, with different experiences and challenges from those of men—from pregnancy and childbirth, to caring for loved ones, to mid-life and beyond. To live the life you want and achieve your goals requires a healthy, happy brain at each one of these life stages. Through my ongoing research into brain health, I found BrainHQ: a wonderful online tool for brain health, based on the best knowledge and research neuroscience has to offer.

Brain training that's right for YOU

(since no two women are the same)

As with physical exercise, we all need to train our brains at the right level for us. BrainHQ adapts to each individual using special algorithms, so when I train with the program, it’s a little different from when you do. The program keeps each of us training at a challenging level where our brains are most likely to improve. It can be hard but that’s because changing the brain takes work—just like changing your body does. It’s worth the effort.

Designed to fit into your life

(because we are all busy!)

I’m busy, and I bet you are too, which can make it feel hard to fit something new into your life. Fortunately, it takes less than five minutes to do each BrainHQ level, so you can use it in small bites or long blocks, depending on your schedule. Plus you can use BrainHQ on almost any computer or mobile device, so you can take it on the go. If you find it helpful, you can set up personal training goals and have BrainHQ send you training reminders to keep you on track. If I can fit it in, so can you!

Built for your success

(it’s easy, motivating, and fun)

BrainHQ has dozens of online exercises that work out attention, brain speed, memory, people skills, navigation, and intelligence.

You can track your progress over time, and - if you like detail - drill down into performance reporting on individual exercise levels and design your own brain training schedule.

You can even add your friends and family to your brain training team to build community and stay motivated!

The cognitive benefits are proven

(it really works)

What makes BrainHQ different from other programs is its commitment to science. Hundreds of university-based scientists came together to design, test, refine, and validate exercises in BrainHQ. So far, more than 100 peer-reviewed science papers have shown that using the program improves performance. Explore below to see what these studies have found.

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